Welcome 2009!!!

Goodbye 2008 and welcome 2009! Just start the New Year fresh and focused! How can we slow down when the world is moving so fast??? Wishing all friends a happy and prosperous new year… I am sure everyone has resolutions for 2009… erm what do you want your life and business to look like? Who do you need to be to make it happen? Huh! Transform +Action + Implement!!!

My new resolutions are to be a better person (huk2) ….. However, I also have Professional, Personal and Industry resolutions. My wish for 2009:

PROFESSIONAL: In 2009, my professional goal is being a good officer. I also plan to further Master in Corporate Communications or Public Relations studies. Anyway, I hope to achieve all aspects of success in a lot of different areas and remain being PR practitioner.

PERSONAL:Remain happy, healthy and employed! More travel and spice up my life without cross the line. I'm looking forward to the New Year. I'm not looking back any more. To remember, especially in this difficult economy, that art can be restorative. Art gives our eyes and mind a chance to rest, to muse, to think.

INDUSTRY: To maximize full potential! I wish to run my own company specialized in PR, Protocol, Event, Master of Ceremony and etc. To begin building institutions that people can trust!

Once again! Happy New Year!!!
Best wishes: Mohd Zulfahmee Ismail


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