About 2 Sept

Hye.. I m writing again... I just reached home after break a fast at KLCC, Petronas Executive Club, and Level 42. There are very nice place and such a 5 star. TQ very much to Ku Ars Azman (MMR) and Mr Azeman Said, Manager Media Relations Petronas, Group Corporate Affairs for an invitation.

The story behind… I just park my car at Shah Alam Commuter Station to avoid from jam. My friends and I stuck in Bangsar LRT because of unscheduled delayed train. We just break a fast with mineral water and one slide bread. Huhu, the train working and we just arrived at 7.50pm. Gosh! TQ again to Mr Azeman for good treat even us being late. Hehe, I just want to say that 100% foods very delicious. I m full.. After take break a fast, Petronas Representative brings us to "sightseeing" in KLCC Bridge. OMG....

About 2 September
Today as 1 year I has been attach in MBSA. Frankly speaking, is hard to be perfect, I just human being and cant avoid in mistakes.  I m try my best to give a good commitments and improve my performance to this organizations. I truly appreciate each advice and guidance. I hope can endeavor together to ensure MBSA always success.

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and are immortal.” ~ Albert Pike


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